Winter decluttering: Make the most of extra time spent indoors by tidying up your surroundings.

The shorter days and cold temperatures tend to keep us inside more during the winter. This is the perfect time to tackle those “trouble” areas of the home with decluttering and organizing to create a more gratifying space and increase daily productivity.

Closets are a great place to start! At this point in the season, you know what clothing items and accessories you and your family need this winter. Purge items that aren’t being used or are too small so they’re not hanging around for another year, taking up valuable space.

Kid(s) rooms and play areas are also a great area to focus on now that the holidays are over and, most likely, new toys have been added. Eliminate toys or board games that are too young or no longer enjoyed. Categorizing bins for smaller items will help kids find and put things away easily on their own.

This is a great time of year to assess your pantry, take stock of what you have, dispose of expired food and add extra non-perishable items for bad weather days so you don’t have to venture out.

This preparation now will set you up for a stress-free winter and streamlined spring!

Schedule a call with me today to get started on your home organizing resolutions!


New year - Fresh start: How home organization can enhance you and your home in the new year!